gpt 文爱 鼹鼠的故事 The Story of Moles


gpt 文爱 鼹鼠的故事 The Story of Moles

发布日期:2024-10-05 05:24    点击次数:173

gpt 文爱 鼹鼠的故事        The Story of Moles

深信但凡看过捷克经典动画片《鼹鼠的故事》的东说念主齐会被那只圆头圆脑的玄色小鼹鼠所招引,这个幽默同意的小家伙用俏皮可人的一言一动投降了全天下无数的孩子致使成东说念主。动画里的鼹鼠老是可爱带着铲子挖来挖去,掘起一堆堆的小土坡。你知说念吗,信得过的鼹鼠也随身带着“小铲子”呢,那即是它强有劲的两只前爪gpt 文爱,用以匡助它更好地符合地下掘土生涯;鼹鼠很少钻出大地,它们但是名副其实的“地下职责者”。当你行走在优柔的草坪上时,若是看见一些小土丘,那么,也许可人的鼹鼠就在离你不远的地方哦!



卓言 选 王雪娇 译

Moles spend almost their entire lives underground—small weak eyes, velvety[1] fur, and small hips for turning around in tight places. Moles also have broad front feet, the toes of which terminate in stout claws faced outward for digging. A mole can dig its way through an amazing 14 meters of soil in just one hour!

Moles measure around 14 centimeters in length and have a three-centimeter tail. The moles tail is carried erect and the hairs on the tip give the mole information about its surroundings by brushing against the tunnel roof. Moles sleep, feed and breed in their tunnels. Moles occasionally appear above ground at the top of one of their characteristic molehills[2], and even then usually only the head and pink fleshy snout is revealed.

Moles are carnivores feeding almost exclusively small invertebrate animals living underground such as earthworms and the larvae of beetles and flies.[3] A mole may also occasionally catch small mice at the entrance to its burrow. Because their saliva contains a toxin that can paralyze earthworms, moles are able to store their still living prey for later consumption. They construct special underground “larders” for just this purpose. Researchers have discovered such larders with over a thousand earthworms in them.

A mole’s preferred habitats are wooded hilly districts. Moles have a well-developed sense of orientation retaining a mental plan of their complex layout of underground tunnels. Moles burrow in lawns, raising molehills and killing the lawn, for which they are sometimes considered pests. They can undermine plant roots, indirectly causing damage or death. Though moles are the bane[4] of many lawn owners, they make a significant positive contribution to the health of the landscape. Their extensive tunneling and mound building mixes soil nutrients and improves soil aeration[5] and drainage. Moles also eat many lawn and garden pests.







1. velvety: 丝绒(或天鹅绒)般(光滑优柔)的。

2. molehill:(由鼹鼠打洞扒出的泥土堆成的)鼹鼠丘。可喻指“无道理的小事,小贫苦(或禁绝)”,英文中有句形象的俗话:make a mountain out of a molehill,兴趣即是“小题大作念”。

3. invertebrate: 无脊椎的;larvae: 幼虫,是larva的复数形势,

4. bane: 灾星,祸根。

5. aeration: 透风,空气理解。

 gpt 文爱



深信但凡看过捷克经典动画片《鼹鼠的故事》的东说念主齐会被那只圆头圆脑的玄色小鼹鼠所招引,这个幽默同意的小家伙用俏皮可人的一言一动投降了全天下无数的孩子致使成东说念主。动画里的鼹鼠老是可爱带着铲子挖来挖去,掘起一堆堆的小土坡。你知说念吗,信得过的鼹鼠也随身带着“小铲子”呢,那即是它强有劲的两只前爪gpt 文爱,用以匡助它更好地符合地下掘土生涯;鼹鼠很少钻出大地,它们但是名副其实的“地下职责者”。当你行走在优柔的草坪上时,若是看见一些小土丘,那么,也许可人的鼹鼠就在离你不远的地方哦! 公车女人忘穿